Fidelity ADT has warned Gauteng residents of a growing trend where criminals target vulnerable properties and steal tyres and rims from parked cars in yards.
“Within the Fidelity ADT footprint there is a growing trend where suspects are stealing tyres from cars parked in yards during the night,” said Charnel Hattingh, Group Head of Marketing and Communications for Fidelity ADT.
“The suspects sneak in, remove the tyres, throw them over the wall, and leave.”
The suspects are highly skilled and very silent. They typically scout the area during the day, sometimes even poisoning dogs, and then return later to steal your rims and tyres.
They mainly attack homes with no or low walls and fencing; yards where the gate or garage doors were left open; properties with a clear view from the street into the house; and those with no electric fencing or other form of additional security.
“This is not a random act. We urge all residents not become complacent when it comes to your perimeter security,” said the expert.
Safeguarding your wheels
Hattingh emphasises that the height of your property’s wall plays a significant role in how attractive it is for wheel thieves. The lower the wall the easier it is to throw stolen items across for a quick getaway.
Therefore, if possible, install additional security measures such as electric fencing or palisades on your yard’s outer perimeter and heighten the wall if you can.
Beams are another great early warning system for trespassers if they are connected, monitored, and functional, and should be considered if you are sharpening up your home’s security systems.
Furthermore, a well-lit yard can deter potential thieves so outdoor lighting is important to have if you park your car outside.
If you have dogs, they should be able to see the gate but not reach it. This protects them from any sort of poison that may be thrown into your yard by suspects.
It’s also advised to walk around your garden and check for any strange objects before letting your dogs out.
Finally, don’t become complacent when closing your gate and always put a chain and padlock on. It may seem like a hassle but it could be the deterrent from you being targeted.
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